Hakaga Wallpaper's Explosive End Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Red Baron has completed the third iteration of his Hakaga wallpaper. This one incorporates the crash, boom and bang of a frenzied attack run. Big explosions, ship fragments and weapons fire now lace the screen. All three images are displayed below for comparison. I think it's really cool to see how a scene like this developments into a finished work. Let the baron know what you think at Crius.net.
Sorry for the long time without any update, but I spent a good portion of it reading 3ds Max and Photoshop tutorials. My original goal was actually to use only what was available in Standoff, but I realized that Deep Exploration is just not capable of what I was aiming for. I used a friend's 3ds Max and made some nice laser beams and stuff, but Deep Exploration doesn't support them and when I tried to export my scene to 3dsmax, everything was messed up. So basically i was left with no alternative but to use Photoshop (or redo everything from the start).

Crash, Boom & Bang Your Way To Victory Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The new poll asks which capital ships are your favorite to attack. We've narrowed down the results to just the "bad guys," and just some of the more notorious ones from key games. There's a wide range of strike missions represented by these choices. Are you more into torpedo runs under intense flak? Hitting picket ships in your Tarsus on the frontier? Dropping a flashpak on a flight deck? Defanging the beast? Or teaming up with half a dozen friends and picking apart a huge battlecruiser in the Antares Quadrant?

Our annual birthday poll has run its course, and it's provided some interesting results. Half of our visitors have been coming to the CIC since 2000 or earlier, and almost half of those people have been around since the mid 1990s. And as great as having such a loyal user base is, we're still attracting new faces. More than 10% of active Wingnuts didn't find us until after the release of Wing Commander Arena! Thanks for coming! You're why we keep updating every day.

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