Fully Upgraded WC Prophecy Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Want to combine the Prophecy DVD upgrade with the new OpenGL renderer and improved starfields? Red Baron claims to have the answer. Let us know if this method works for you.

Well then, you need: wcpep_Release1.zip, wcpmoviepatch_testrelease.zip, OpenGL-WCP_setup.zip and the vobs from the movie archives
  • 1) install Prophecy
  • 1.1) make a backup (optional)
  • 2) copy content of wcpep_release1.zip to prophecy folder, overwrite when asked
  • 3) DON'T use the new install.exe! instead:
  • 4) run opengl-wcp_setup.exe, follow instructions
  • 5) copy wcphr.dll from wcpmoviepatch_testrelease.zip to prophecy, overwrite
  • 6) make "movie" folder and put the DVD movies there
  • 7) use oglsetup.exe whenever you want to change your graphics
Voila: OpenGL, starfields, DVD movies! looks like you all did an even better job than you thought. Maybe some steps are redundant, but it works for me (WCP Gold, XP prof). Now to my initial question: is there a way to make ffdshow stretch the movies to 1600x1200 so they play fullscreen in that resolution? Or is the movie resolution hardcoded in the dll, because Prophecy doesn't seem to care for my filter settings.

Making the Game: VDU Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Check out those beautiful early Vampire mockups! This Visio file shows off Wing Commander Prophecy's status VDU. The note about something to indicate states in multiplayer is interesting -- it shows they really were considering that aspect of the game through development.

These updates are thanks to John "Captain Johnny" Guentzel, who provided several CD image archives of material used by the Wing Commander Prophecy development team!

Please note that the "Download" link points to an older-style Visio file; these do not open in Microsoft's current Visio viewer. We have converted the VSD into a graphic which can be viewed by clicking on the document thumbnail.

Download (29 kb)

Date: July 23, 1997
Project: Wing Commander Prophecy
Donated By: John Guentzel
Pages: n/a

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