WCPedia Progress Report
Dundradal has posted his notes of last week's WCPedia IRC meeting. After action reports of the first and second conference are also online. The next meeting takes place Sunday Feb 21st.Another week... another step closer to our final goal of the ultimate WC resource wingnuts!We had a productive session and have determined to dedicate the next several weeks strictly to fleshing out WC1 mission entries.
LOAF will be posting the WC1 script soon so that users can start to copy and paste the relevant text into articles. This is something that the average user can readily do and we are asking you to contribute what time you can to fleshing out an article or two.
I'm also sending out a call to all Ultimate Strategy Guide owners, we need your help in transferring the text from there into WCPedia in the mission entries. We want all the WC1 mission entries to look like the Epsilon Wing entry with all the text from the game itself and from the USG. That way fans and *hopefully* future WC developers will have access to every bit of information possible.
DaveO is going to work on getting the necessary images for the mission entries and the rest of us are going to set out and create the empty articles templates for EVERY mission in WC1 in the following weeks.
Another good session and another week closer to our final goal.
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