The WC Saga team has released an updated version of its Excalibur model. The latest incarnation was mocked up by limdaepl. Accuracy and faithfulness to the authentic design was their goal, and they've done a good job getting many of the details right.
This is more like it! The Component Manager Meeting Agenda for April 26, 1996 has information from what each portion of the Wing Commander V/Prophecy development team is doing. One thing that should catch the eye of Wing Commander fans is that the team is developing an overall story arc and 'universe fiction' -- and that it's being shared with Erin Roberts, who is currently developing Privateer 2: The Darkening in England. There's also an interesting reference to planning for "Maniac [Missions]" with Mark [Day] - I wonder if any material on that project survives?
Wing Commander V Component Manager Meeting Agenda
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Date: April 26, 1996
Project: Wing Commander Prophecy
Donated By: Billy Cain
Pages: 6
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