Happy April Fools!
As long-time readers know, we weren't really trying to fool anybody - it's just a good excuse to do something stupid for a day. So, in case anyone missed it: it is not really 1991 again (I know, I know - too bad.) Our concept this year was to try to be a little nicer and generally make fun of ourselves instead of anyone else... but apparently that still managed to anger the FreeSpace crowd. Damned if you do...
The 'Point of Origin' memo is, in fact, real -- we'll do a serious update covering it in the very near future! The wwwboard that replaced the Chat Zone for the day (... and a half) was a replica of the one where some of us first joined the Wing Commander community: Origin's Official Wing Commander Chat Zone (1995-97.) We'll leave it up separately for a while as an 'anarchy park' until it breaks permanently. You can access it here.
All the behind-the-screens work was courtesy of Kris, who put together the wwwboard with only a moment's notice. The terrifying CIC-1991 logo was from Frosty:

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