Spanish Movie Distributor On Wing Commander Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

AD found some nifty things at the website of a Spanish distributor for the Wing Commander Movie. Lauren Films has a page includes background information, screenshots and a lengthy press dossier. This document includes a very thorough Spanish synopsis, stories about the production of the movie and cast/crew biographies. It was probably written in the first half of 1998, since it mentions fan sites such as the Wing Commander Home Sector at its last url before the CIC opened in August of that year. There are also a couple neat screenshots of the Spanish DVD, although they are unfortunately a bit blurry and low resolution. The impressive Spanish movie poster is present as well. You can find the site here.
Sin embargo, Roberts no concibió esta película sólo para los seguidores del juego de ordenador - que pueden debatir - y así lo harán - el aspecto y atmósfera de la cinta comparada con el juego en todos los numerosos canales de conversación (chats) de Internet - y más teniendo en cuenta el hallazgo verdaderamente apreciado de imágenes digitales referidas a los decorados y personajes que ya se hallan en circulación. "La película ofrece toda la acción, impactos visuales, y personajes provocativos que millones de seguidores de todo el mundo de Wing Commander esperan"- según promete Roberts. "Sin embargo, la película WING COMMANDER atraerá a las masas porque hemos elaborado una historia totalmente nueva; la gente que va al cine no necesita estar familiarizada con el juego para entender o disfrutar la película".

However, Roberts conceived this film not only for devotees of computer game - they can discuss, and do, the appearance and atmosphere of the film compared to the game in numerous channels on the Internet -- by taking into account the images relating to props and characters that are already in circulation. "Wing Commander offers all the action, visual impacts, and provocative characters that millions of followers around the world look forward to" - as promised Roberts. "However, the film WING COMMANDER appeals to the masses because we have developed a completely new story, the people who go to the movies need not be familiar with or understand the game to enjoy the movie."

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