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Although we upgraded to a new and powerful server last month, we've been running the old one in tandem while we post some big downloads. There's still plenty of bandwidth left over though, and you've still got a few days to use it up. Wing Commander Academy is a big batch of files that everyone should have in their collection. The series celebrated its tenth anniversary last month, and this week is the decennial of Episode 05 - Lords of the Sky. Download away and don't let the Piscean Arthrosquids bite!

All In A Week's Work For EA Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

It's been a busy week for EA. Today they begin shipping Battlefield 2142, The Sims 2: Pets and Tiger Woods PGA Tour '07. The three games were broken down into twelve versions across half a dozen platforms. Medal of Honor Heroes is up for release on the 23rd, and EA Replay is due the following week, along with Need for Speed Carbon and Ultima Online: 9th Anniversary Collection. The new UO package will contain all previously released expansion packs in one $19.99 set. Electronic Arts also just recently closed down their Warrington North UK and DICE Canada studios.

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