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Origin Museum curator Joe Garrity has cataloged the 11th box of Origin archive material sent to him by EALA, and he's put them online for everyone in excellent archival-quality resolution! Box #11 includes some exciting Wing Commander materials, including master artwork for the covers to the first three games -- you can see the elements that made up the Wing Commander II box... or the original 'Wingleader' logo both as it would have appeared on the box and during the autopilot camera scenes! The box also contained a video master marked as a 1997 Wing Commander Prophecy Behind the Scenes shoot... hopefully Joe will be able to digitize that video for everyone someday! You can find all of the pictures here.

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Acclaimed fan fiction writer Deacon is looking for a new translator to help make his Privateer 2: The Darkening based epic available to English speaking audiences. Deacon's story, The Awakening, has drawn special attention because he went through the trouble to publish it himself in German - you can find details on that here! Here's his request:

Help wanted!

Since my translator still don't have the time to deal with my novel, I just asking you (!) for a helping hand...

If you think your English skills are quite good enough to translate my novel for the English speaking people here - please give me a sign! Or even better - simply start to translate... just use the parts I've post inside the German thread. But please - do not claim them as your own...

Interested parties can reply to him here.

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