Peek Inside Pioneer's Editor
Joel_VanEenwyk has posted a few shots of the internal ship editor for WC Pioneer. The team is using this application to configure many different aspects of the upcoming project tech demo. Eventually an evolved form of this program will allow fans to tweak various things in the game on their own. It already allows team members to do a lot more than just change stats. Different textures, graphical effects, sounds and so on are available for editing within.Want to start off by again thanking everyone for their patience! Work has still been progressing, but there have been delays on my end because of classes/exams. I'm really happy with how things have been going, however. The editor is now working quite nicely for handling all importing, tweaking properties, creating shaders, and much more.Yes, we fully intend on releasing the editor so that people can build onto it and create expansions in the form of custom missions, models, new games modes, etc. Scripting will be available to aid in that. I may also release an SDK, but that will be much further down the road.
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