Watch The Best Of Both Worlds' Endings Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Plywood Fiend's latest music video might be his best yet. The background music is improved with REM's "It's the End of the World As We Know It" setting the pace. A wide variety of situations from Wing Commander 3 are synchronized with the lyrics pretty well. Listen quickly to match each scene to the words of the song. Some transitions happen very fast! You can grab the 27 meg wmv clip here.
I'm slightly more confident that people will like the music this time.

German Strategy Game Features Familiar Fighter Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

TheFraix recently recommended Smugglers 3 as a space trading game that Wing Commander fans might be interested it. We don't really cover very many 4X style strategy games, but one thing caught people's eyes. The game's Stormcrow fighter bears a striking resemblance to Privateer 2's Heretic. There are a ton of different Wing Commander ships in existence, so some games are bound to have overlapping designs, but you can judge for yourself here. The only differences I see are two little fins added to the back.

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