Kilrathi Saga Manual Online Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Viper has scanned the fascinating Kilrathi Saga manual for fellow Wing Commander fans to enjoy. The documentation included with this anthology did a wonderful job of combining elements from the first five years of Wing Commander history and presenting them in a uniform format. Elements that were initially presented separately are brought together in a cohesive way, and valuable information from secondary sources such as the novels are integrated seamlessly. You can download the 17 meg PDF here. Check out the Game Manuals section for more documentation.

Meet Tom Wilson In Burbank Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Stephen from the Back to the Future CIC let us know that Tom Wilson's art will be receiving a special gallery presentation soon. The Big Pop Fun Exhibit will be on display for one month at the Nickelodeon Studios in Burbank. This is a rare honor for a non-Nickelodeon artist and a neat opportunity to see his work in person. There will be a reception with Mr. Wilson on the evening of April 29, 2005 when the gallery goes live.

“I’ve spent my entire adult life as an “object” of pop culture. I get stared at in airports, and restaurants, and supermarkets, and somewhere in those eyes is the joy of memory, that curious thrill of pop recognition that’s so powerful, yet hard to explain. These paintings are as close as I can get to explain it. These “objects” make us feel good, more for the memory of a time and place than for the objects themselves. …I love them, and I paint them as dramatic still life pieces of art, because they are beautiful…and I know how they feel. Hey, bottom line - these paintings are fun and I love looking at them.”
More information on the gallery can be found at Tom's official website here.

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