Privateer: The Reckoning 4.0 Beta Released Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Forums member Warzog reports that the Beta release of Reckoning 4.0 is out. This Freelancer mod features ships and locations from the Privateer and Wing Commander universe. You can download the Beta here (21 MB). Updated Paradigm textures are available as a seperate download here (750 kB).

  • This new version has 70 new systems which conform to the original game, 540 people populating 99 new bases, with 51 new wrecks, and 76 new rumors. New models include the TCS Vesuvius, Perry Naval Station, New Constantinople, and the original Privateer's Mining base.

  • All of the ships have been reworked to repair weapon hardpoints, with some ships receiving new textures. The wrecks have a new look, complete with sparks, smoke, and fire. And they are now destroyable.

  • Factions have been renamed, new music has been added, the Kilrathi have Kilrathi names, and capitol ships now have TCS names. A new faction, the Privateers, has been added, and they will even give out missions.

  • The commodities have been reworked to more closely conform to Privateer.

It's Almost Halo Tuesday Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

A few of you are probably anticipating the imminent release of Halo 2. It should be pretty neat, and we're all fairly big fans of XBox Live. If you're afraid of playing with random internet weirdos, some of us will be organizing a small game this Friday evening. You can visit for details. If you feel like trying it out another time, stop by #Wingnut and see if anyone is available to play.

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