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We've been working up to this one. These past four months we asked which type of capital ship from Wing Commander I through Secret Ops you would most like to serve on. Our new poll asks which of the five winning options is your absolute favorite.

The Bengal class Strike Carrier from Wing Commander
(i.e. TCS Tiger's Claw)

The Confederation class Dreadnought from Wing Commander II
(i.e. TCS Concordia)

The Ranger class Light Carrier from Wing Commander III
(i.e. TCS Victory)

The Vesuvius class Heavy Carrier from Wing Commander IV
(i.e. TCS Vesuvius)

The Midway class Heavy Carrier from Wing Commander Prophecy
(i.e. TCS Midway)

Holding The Line Chapter 172 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

What's more exciting than the capture of Saddam? Why, the next HTL chapter, of course! Here's Raptor:

Hey all, Raptor here.

HTL continues with Part 1 of End Of The Spiral II, follows the crew of Battlegroup Auriga, formerly based around the late TCS Valley Forge. Part 1 of EOTS II is itself two chapters long, of which this is the first chapter. (Got all that?) It's also a fairly long arcing story, stretching from the final parts of the retreat in Loki to the present stage of the battle. This story is jointly written by all the Auriga team. Please send any and all comments to them via the addresses in the header, not to me.

The story is at:

Best, Raptor

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