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As the subject subtley implies, today is Memorial Day in the United States. Enjoy your cookouts and discount sales and whatever you kids do today -- but please take a moment to reflect on everyone in history who's given the ultimate sacrafice so we could play Wing Commander.

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There's a new fan project on the loose -- one you'd never have expected! FullBurst41 sends us information on a Wing Commander Interactive Fiction project...

It's me, Didier "FullBurst41" Vanoverbeke. I'd like to inform you of a new fan project (currently without a webpage, but hey), related to the Wing Commander series.

The project is an Interactive Fiction adaptation of the long series of fanfiction written by the WC Aces Club, Holding the Line. The game will be in the Text Adventure Development System (TADS) with HTML support, and thus will alow me to use such things as sound and music in the game.

The game will take quite some time to develop, and therefore I'd like to take this opportunity to ask for help.

- If there's anyone who knows HTML TADS or is willing to learn (it's really not that hard to get started on it), please contact me. Holding the Line already spans more than 150 chapters, and is still continuing. I need to put the hwole thing into code (and in a playable version), so this will take me quite a while on my own, so any help is quite nice.

- Voice actors, and lots of them. I'd like to add soem real atmosphere to this game, and voice actors would go a long way to achieve that goal. Please contact me either through MSN or e-mail (details below), and please send me a sample of your talent, so that I can make some decisions on who to accept. I repeat, I need a lot of help in this department.

- Playtesters are always nice. You will need to install a TADS Interpreter on your system, but that's it, you will be able to play the games in "QA stage."

- If there are any talented music composers ou there that have access to some tools to make the music, you can contact me aswell. I already found someone who is willing to work with me, but it can never hurt to have someone else helping out.

I appreciate any help that comes my way. You can contact me using my e-mail address: didispast@hotmail.com or through MSN Messenger: bloodfreak@hotmail.com

Please help me complete this project as best as possible, this might just be a good project. I have already started the coding on the prologue, but since I'm still learning myself (and not an expert in programming), I do have some probles to work out, but I am in the process of donig so. Thanks in advance, and all the best!

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