Tom Wilson to Appear at DragonCon 2003! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Breaking News: has announced that Tom Wilson will be attending this year's DragonCon convention. Wilson played Todd "Maniac" Marshall in Wing Commander 3, 4, Prophecy and the Academy animated series. His likeness is also featured in the customizable card game. Since DragonCon is where we conduct our annual Wing Commander fan gathering, we couldn't be more excited! He'll be appearing in the Walk of Fame area on Saturday and Sunday, August 30 and 31. If you were on the fence about coming, perhaps this will help you make up your mind. We're currently in the process of securing hotels, so email us now if you're thinking about meeting us there.

Wilson will make his first and only scheduled 2003 convention appearance at the Atlanta, Georgia event, appearing on Saturday, August 30th and Sunday, August 31st to meet & greet his fans and to sign autographs in the booth located in the show's “Walk of Fame” area. Although unconfirmed at press time, Wilson is also expected to appear briefly on Friday, August 29th.
A big thanks to for sponsoring this event and tipping us off! You can find the full announcement here.

Holding The Line Chapter 155 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

If you've missed out on the other 154 chapters of Holding the Line, now is a good time to catch up since the archives are now up to date. Here's Raptor with the latest:

Hey all, Raptor here.

HTL continues with Part 16 of the Tiger Hunt series, which follows the Border Worlds carriers fighting a diversionary action in Loki. As you saw in the last chapter, the Valkyrie pilots were exhausted, running low on missiles, and quickly being worn down by enemy attacks. After nearly three days of constant fighting, they're badly in need of a reprieve. This chapter picks up from there. It's written buy yours truly, so please send any and comments back to me.

The story is at:

Our archives at Solsector have finally had a badly needed update, and are now current with all our published stories, including this one. You can check them out at:

Best, Raptor

Tentative Prophecy Launch Party Date Set Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Since the April 16 US ship date for Prophecy Advance seems the most credible so far, we've tentatively set the Launch Party for Saturday, April 26, 2003 in #Wingnut. This will time nicely with the expected April 25 launch date in Europe and allow us time to ensure that the game actually ships midmonth. The standard time for CIC irc events is 7:00 pm Eastern (4:00 pm Pacific and 11:00 pm Greenwich). We'll be providing more information as we get closer, but we wanted to throw out that date to pencil in on your calendars. We may even be testing out again since craplink may not sustain the expected traffic. More info to come soon.

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