GameBoy Advance SP Announced Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

I'd be excited about this even if Prophecy weren't coming out at about the same time, but Nintendo has gone ahead and done it again. On the heels of their GBA/GameCube player announcement, very soon there will be a special edition of the GBA produced. It's half the size of the original with a flip-up protected screen, now is fully lit internally and includes cell phone style lithium-ion batteries for 18 hours of normal play time or 10 hours with the light.

So that means just one more cool way to play come Dragon*Con (Advance Wars 2 was also announced). I have a feeling these will be a hit for compact flight suit pockets. Now all we need is a way to link these wonderful devices up online.

Holding The Line: Chapter 149 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Here's Raptor with the introduction to chapter 149:

Hey all, Raptor here.

After that interlude to look at what was happening elsewhere in the universe, we're now going back to the battle in the Loki system. HTL continues with part 15 of the Tiger Hunt series, "A Good Day To Die". When we left Loki, the Union's Battlegroup Valkyrie had been cornered in the Loki VI debris field by Nephilim forces. They had beaten off a massive attack, but their sister carrier had been lost in the fighting, along with several escorts and many dozens of fighter. This story picks up from there as the Border Worlders fight to survive. This chapter is written by yours truly, so please send any all comments back to me.

The story is at: ../ch149.htm

Best, Raptor

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