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CIC ChatZoner Wulf spotted an article about WC in the current issue of Entertainment Weekly. It also features an interview with Chris Roberts. Here's a quick quote:

The sci-fi Wing Commander series, inspired by Star Wars (Hey, they wrote it, not me), and starring actors like Mark Hamill and Malcolm McDowell, imposed cinematic narrative on games. 'My games were mostly about stories and characters,' says Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts.'The inspiration for Wing Commander was "What if instead of being about trying to get a high score, it's about trying to finish a story?" '

Holding The Line Chapter 146 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Be afraid.. be very afraid. No, not of Raptor, the story.

Hey all, Raptor here.

HTL continues with a spooky little tale called "Harvest", featuring a Border Worlds pilots you might recognise, one Troy "Catscratch" Carter. This story was originally intended to be part of our Halloween special, and was sent out on the Aces list in time for the holiday. We might be a little late posting it here, but it should be no less blood curdling for all that. This story is written by Brandon "Avatarr" Alspaugh, so please send any and all comments to him at avatarr@sprynet.com, not to me.

Best, Raptor

The story is at: http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~theraj/archives/ch146.htm

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