Movie Magic
Alexander Grober is working on an exciting new fan project... here's what he says about it!Hi there,
My name is Alexander Grober and I'm from Germany. I'm planning a new Wing Commander Project at the moment. It should be a rendered 3D-movie called "Wing Commander - The final conflict". But now, I'm still writing the storyline. What I can already say is, that this movie is playing after Wing Commander Prophecy !! But there should be a connection with the prophecy... The movie should be approx. 30min long. The problem is, that I won't be able to use people in this movie. So it properly would be a simple 3D spaceflight movie with sound.
There are a few things, where I might need help. Perhaps there are some people out there... who could help.
- I need more fully textured 3D-Models of Ships. I already downloaded the models of your WC3D-section, but I still need more. The problem is, that I use 3D Studio Max, and I can't use all of your WC3D-models, because there are only a few designed for 3D Studio Max.
- I need human-models and perhaps an Alien or a Kilrathi. 3DS-files would be nice (fully textured). If I don't find any human-models, the movie would be a little bit boring... - but 3D-animations in spacefight view are still much fun !!! :-)
So if there's anybody out there who could help me - it would be fine !!!!
Just wanted to tell you about the project. I send you two pics of the animated starting logo.
Best Regards
Alexander Grober
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