Some New Enemies!
Those hard-working modders over at Unknown Enemy have released a trio of new ships for download: the Border Worlds shuttle, the KC-227 Salthi class light fighter and the BWS Intrepid (Durango class heavy destroyer).
Those hard-working modders over at Unknown Enemy have released a trio of new ships for download: the Border Worlds shuttle, the KC-227 Salthi class light fighter and the BWS Intrepid (Durango class heavy destroyer).
The WCDC has moved to a new domain name: They're also now hosting an affiliate program, for those you who need a WC sounding domain (err, and for some reason didn't get turned on by's affiliate program). So it goes.
Fun challenge, for those whose lives lack all meaning without the trivia game: go read the list of Kilrathi names in this thread and see how many more you can find. When we have 'em all, we'll put up a list right here at the CIC, and you'll all get credit. And a florin. A silver florin.
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