"Novel" German Guide Covers Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

In years past we've reported about other super weird German guide covers that feature 20th Century fighters and so on. Kris dug up two more oddly designed ones. At least these look far more Wing Commanderific than previous finds. The prominent use of Arrows (and is that a Gladius on the WC3 cover?) reminds me of Wing Commander Armada designs. Sorry, we don't have any larger pics than what is below.

He's Been Keeping A Low Profile Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

It's always nice to hear from the Amazing Captain Johnny. Most recently he noticed a familiar voice in the demo of the new FPS Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force. Tom Wilson, who played Maniac in Wing Commanders 3, 4, Prophecy and Academy, is a featured artificial intelligence character. That game sounds like it has quite an interesting branching story to it, and the voice of Wilson adds a nice touch for Wing Commander fans.

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