POL Core Moves to Verant Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The CIC has confirmed that six Origin employees that formed the core of the Privateer Online development team are moving to Verant, the maker of Everquest and the in-dev Star Wars Online game. They will start this morning to help set up Verant Austin and as of this writing are not sure which game they will be working on. It was a good parting apparently. The six who made the move are Rich Vogel (POL Producer), Anthony L. Sommers (POL Lead Client Programmer), Raph Koster (POL Lead Designer), Nick Newhard (POL Senior Designer), Chris Mayer (POL Lead Server Programmer) and Jake Rodgers (POL Art Director). This is *not* the entire remainder of the POL team at OSI, but it is pretty much the main body that was left. CrackedNuts and Lum the Mad are also breaking this story.

Teams Count Cost of Deathball Season Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Sports correspondent Chip Senpisces reports from Crius. Well, sports fans, it's the end of another Deathball season, with the Bartville Blood-drinkers emerging victorious after a long, hard season. This glorious sport, the only game to penalise players for NOT employing gratuitous violence, will now be off our screens for six months, allowing teams to rehabilitate their stock of players with the necessary Cybernetic Limbs. For me, the highlight of the season was the Treyk Maulers - Barzon Baby-eaters game last month, which saw the first documented use of tactical nuclear weapons; it's a pity none of the players were around to pick up their survivor's medals. Or the officials. Or, indeed, the crowd. What a sport!

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