Trivia Reminder Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Remember to get your answers in before Sunday, March 19. This week's questions are:

  • Question 135: How much did a Centurion Mercenary Heavy Fighter cost in 2669 on the civilian market unequipped?
  • Question 136: How much did a Danrik Heavy Fighter cost around 2790 on the civilian market unequipped?
  • Bonus 68: How much did it cost to build and launch one fleet carrier around 2668 without fighters?
Details can be found in the trivia section.

It's a Small World Online Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The logo of the Wargamer website (see Thursday's update) was designed by none other than our own Kevin Scholl. Kevin played a key part in getting the CIC started and has always been a great help. The ancient Wing Commander Home Sector's graphics were also done by him. He's currently employed as a designer for iXL.

Tax Protesters go on Rampage Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Political editor Tony Knox writes. An organized march protesting at high tax levels has degenerated into violence on Hermes. Police are blaming a hard-core of trouble makers for the disruption, but from where I was standing pretty much all of the demonstrators were involved. Numerous arrests were made, and a large number of firearms have been confiscated. No doubt there will be plenty of smugglers looking to take advantage of others' misery.

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