This is just a little note about GameStar's note on a 2001 release date for Privateer Online. Actually that part is probably fine.. but the note about it being under Andy Hollis may be inaccurate. This is primarily because of the September 1999 GamePen article where Hollis stated he is not amongst those working on "Wing Commander Online." Hopefully it wont be long now before we open up the section that organizes all these POL statements.
As of this writing the CIC is on its new machine and things appear to be working normally. Many thanks to Origin, and WC Space Command. We'll still be working out some funny stuff over the next day or two, but most things should be operational.
If you missed the latest multi-developer chat at ATFW on Saturday, the logs are now up. You can find the basic text file here and the pretty color-coded html version is here. There were a whole bunch of Wing Commander mentions throughout the chat.
[14:23] ([CIC]Cpl Hades) Thanks Beth :) Hey Warthog guys. :) Quick question...have you considered releasing the Privateer 2 source code to renew interest in the game like what has happened with games like Quake and Descent?
[14:23] (StarLancer) We don't own the Privateer 2 source code, thats an EA/Origin decision.
[14:24] ([CIC]Cpl Hades) Hmm, would you know who to contact to try to get it?
[14:25] (StarLancer) Not sure on that one, it would have to be head of development at Origin probably...[16:49] (Cronoss) What are the controls like (will we have many keys to function, like most space-sims, or will it be simpistic?)
[16:49] (P_Markus) Cronoss: Much like Wing Commander, with additional sliding.
[13:51] (Crytek_Adam) Silent Space overall is a sci-fi combat simulation much in the genre of Wing Commander and FreeSpace
Our religious affairs correspondent Mark Gibbon reports from Bex. Construction of a new Chapel and Brewery complex for the Avuncular Order of Hom commenced yesterday. The project is being undertaken partially as a result of an increase in followers, and partially because of the huge popularity of Bex Beer, the main product of the dipsomaniacal devotees. Huge amounts of Titan Alloys and Lumber are required..... prices are suitably high.
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