As you may have noticed already, we've just added a new search function. Two of them even. The one on this page (and all other red pages) searches our news archives. The second one is located in the Ships Database. We'll be making a few final adjustments in the next couple of days to improve performance and layout. Pretty buttons courtesy of Hadrian and Cpl Hades.
I finally got around to completely redesigning two sections that have been bugging me for ages. First of all, Fan Art has been split up in to multiple pages so now it doesn't look so cluttered. The second update is to the WCCCG page which has had all of the old stuff cleared out, and details on what happened to the computer game project. Enjoy!
Several old friends of mine have started a new channel on DALnet for Sci Fi gaming chat... and they asked me to mention it here. Thus far there's been some excellent (and very polite) discussion -- so drop by #Sci_Fi_Gamers if you're in the neighborhood.
Here's a Wing Commander movie review that we apparently missed earlier. Thanks to Reaver.
I mentioned Ultima IX in an update yesterday... Samcat was kind enough to bring over the demo last night, and it is SWEET. I ran out in the middle of the night to pre-order the special edition... of particular note is the incredibly music, by Wing Commander veteran George Oldziey. If you haven't yet done so, grab the current CGW and try out the demo!
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