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Unfortunately it is now too late to order Kilrathi masks in time for Halloween, but for the benefit of those who did in time, here are a couple of pictures showing off the masks. Demonstrating in the pictures how someone can work while wearing the masks is the CIC's very own Chris Reid! Now there is no excuse for not wearing your masks to work/school/job center/prison.

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Says Lefty Opus. Zimzam Edific, unconventional architect extraordinaire, has done it again; his latest project, building a wildlife conservation park on the planet of Hephaestus has gone drastically wrong. Zimzam wished to accurately recreate the natural conditions in which the creatures live, and so decided to work entirely with wood. As a result, a vast area of the planet has suffered from deforestation, causing widespread death among the exact species the park was intended to preserve. Imports of lumber are urgently needed to try and limit Zimzam's depredations.

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