Amazon UK Shipping Pilgrim Stars Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Yet another sign that everyone will be getting PS soon, is now shipping their copies. Below is Kris' shipping notice.

We thought you would like to know that the following items have been sent to:
Ordered Title Price Dispatched Subtotal
2 Pilgram Star (Wing Commander) £3.62 2 £7.24
Subtotal: £7.24
Delivery Charge: £4.95
Total: £12.19
This completes your order.
If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail (, Fax (0800 279 6630) or phone (0800 279 6620).For international customers Fax (+44 20 8636 9401) or phone (+44 20 8636 9451).
Thank you for shopping at

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