Sad News This Confederation Day
What would normally be the largest holiday of the Confederation year in Wing Commander is marred by some sad news in real life. I'm at a loss as to what to say here.. so to make it brief.. further eye complications (that some might remember kept LOAF offline for several days before our Birthday) resurfaced and forced LOAF to undergo emergency surgery last week shortly after his arrival in Austin. We're a bit unclear on the details, but from what we can tell, it may be at least several weeks before we get a positive/negative prognosis. So for all intents and purposes right now, we are without LOAF for some time. As such, we believe LOAF could really use some encouraging material to get well soon. If you'd like to contribute a written message or a recorded wav/sound file that will eventually reach LOAF, please email us at If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to email us or stop by #Wingnut.
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