One Product Avoids the 'Release Date Rollercoaster' Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Hades has been doing some digging and was able to contact Showscan in regards to the Ride. Looks like it's on track, expect details on it in a couple months.
Thank you for your email regarding our Wing Commander ride film. As you correctly noted, we have not made any recent statements regarding this project. We anticipate an update on the project shortly (keep checking our press releases).
In the meantime, I can tell you that the project is still on track for an early 2000 release to Showscan's worldwide network of locations. Beyond that, we have no additional information available at this time. I invite you to email me again around mid-November. We should have addition information at that time.

Best regards,
Bill Hole
Director of Marketing Services
Showscan Entertainment

Good News for Finnish Fans Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Lasse Kaila reports that the local distributor Finnkino lists an August 27 release date for the WC Movie in Finland. You can find the release date page here.
Wing Commander (Wing Commander)
O: Chris Roberts PO: Freddie Prinze, Saffron Burrows, Matthew Lillard
Levittäjä: Columbia Tristar Egmont Film Distributors Wing Commander on tulevaisuuteen sijoittuva seikkailuelokuva; avaruudessa käydään taistelu siitä, ketkä jäävät henkiin ja millä ehdoilla.

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