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First of all, let me apologize for not updating sooner... I've been busy with school & work, and sort of sick. That said, my local Babbages got in the Wing Commander Movie figures on Wednesday, and held some for me. On a whole, they're very nice. The packaging is fairly generic, aside from a bar on the side identifying the character. Each figure comes with weapons, accessories and a glossy trading card that has information from the Confederation handbook on the back. Here's my figure by figure analysis of what I have so far... (I'm still trying to find Maniac & Paladin).

Kilrathi Pilot: Both cat figures are rather cool, the pilot being the coolest. Four pieces of his armor come off, two around the hips (so he can sit down) and two on the arms. He has a Dor-Chak which fits over his arm, and a rebreather, with a tube which can be connected to his armor.

Kilrathi General: The general has the same snap-off armor as the pilot, and also comes with a Dor-Chak. He has a little removable hat, and the detail on his face is good enough so that you can see the fact that he lost an eye at McAuliffe...

Angel: Angel is one of the blander figures accessory-wise. She comes with only the small gun she used to threaten Maniac, and a larger marine rifle. She's dressed in a nicely detailed flight suit, and her saving grace is the fact that her face looks surprisingly like her character. Her hair seems cooler than Star Wars hair too...

Pilgrim Traitor: Although he wasn't in the movie, the Pilgrim Traitor still made for a pretty cool toy. He's got a nicely detailed space suit, complete with a little cross attached. His helmet, backpack and oxygen tube remove to reveal... Admiral Wilson! It looks like him, too!

Blair as a Marine: The better of the two Marine figures, Blair as a marine comes with a cool colorful backpack, a helmet, a marine gun, a smaller gun and an oxygen tube. My only problem with this figure is that there's no clear material over the front of the helmet, which would have been really cool...

Blair in Flight Suit: This was the worst figures of the ones I've gotten so far. He only came with the two standard Confed guns, and his little Pilgrim Cross is only painted on -- presumably so they can use the same mold to make more 'in flight suit' figures in the future. If they do, I forgive them...

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