Wing Commander fanatic Locke has already begun to work his magic on Secret Ops! He's created several ingenious patches and updates for the games! First up is SOMusic, which allows Prophecy owners to add the much loved orchestral music to Secret Ops. SOCrazy replaces many of SO's alien ships with more difficult foes. Last but assuredly not least, SOShip switches around several SO ships, and allows the user to fly the Excalibur and Thunderbolt class fighters. This update officially linkarrific.
A number of people have noticed an odd egg in Secret Ops; apparently when you click on the Cerberus' map table (the cool 3D globe picture) the game says something that sounds like 'Prophecy' in bugspeak (1984 references abound!). Nobody can really figure out why...
As you have no doubt realized by now, two of the original Prophecy 'cheat' codes work in Secret Ops. Dynomite? Not on your life, its been disabled. Goodtarget (Yay! Goodtarget ROCKS) and moretunes still work, however.
A bit of a server problem during the morning forced us to reset the chat zones and poll. Everything should be working again, please revote in the poll above.
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