What does Privateer 1.0 need?

Is this with priv_009? I thoguht we fixed the "replace tachyon cannon thing" since 008

if you have priv_009 you will have a search function
also to make the systems more readable try swapping axes and selecting orthogonal view
MamiyaOtaru said:
3. Graphicproblems with the turrets in the Galaxy:
3.1. In the lowest position I can see parcialy THROUGH the ship (I don't know is can be corrected).
Moving the turret (or the position of the viewpoint) slightly up could help. Having cockpit graphics for it should help too.
But if the target is close to the "horizon"....
Also the Galaxy has not cocpitview in the turrets. Only VR-Mode.
The Centurion has both views (purchased one yesterday)
Which brings me to another problem. The radarscreen in real-mode shows the Centurion from outside not the radar or al least the traget.
Also it might be helpful to deaktivat at least the engineflames (or what ever thet is called) in both views. It is almost imposible to locat a target that way.

EDIT: forgett this, just discoverd the patches for 0.9b in the other thread.

And what about the upgrades on both ships. There are shilds an reactor upgrads nearly twice as high as I have now but ich can't have them (and thats not a moneyproblem).
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the centurion could have more than only level 3 shilds.
Also no cargoexpantion.

For WCU, the links (including Junction->Gemini) will be added back, and we will work at adding Blackmane base, Earth or whatever.
Let's visit Trakath (and cut his claws *lol* )

I know what you mean about playing for many hours :) I still do, even after all this time with it. Glad you like it!

I LOVE it! (and me girlfriend hates it. But why? ;-) )

OK, one last thing (for now).
How about a rescale of the ships?
A Galaxy is surely much bigger than a Tarus!
and maybe attach landing gear in the "Landingpatch" view. (not realy necessary but sure a nice view)
TIRex said:
But if the target is close to the "horizon"....
Don;t see how it's a problem. You can see into the ship because you are too close to it. We move the viewpoint farther away, no more clipping issues. You'll still be able to aim wherever you want.
MamiyaOtaru said:
Having cockpit graphics for it should help too.
Also the Galaxy has not cocpitview in the turrets. ly VR-Mode.
I believe I just said that? Look at what you are quoting :D "Having cockpit graphics for it should help too." Das heisst: "Es würde helfen, wenn wir passende Cockpitgrafiken hätten." Die haben wir aber leider nicht. Ich bin einfach noch nicht dazu gekommen.
The Centurion has both views (purchased one yesterday)
Which brings me to another problem. The radarscreen in real-mode shows the Centurion from outside not the radar or al least the traget.
I don't quite follow you here. Vielleicht auf Deutsch.
And what about the upgrades on both ships. There are shilds an reactor upgrads nearly twice as high as I have now but ich can't have them (and thats not a moneyproblem).
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the centurion could have more than only level 3 shilds. Also no cargoexpantion.
It was never possible to have higher than level 3 in a Centurion. At least not without the expansion pack. Is the cargo expansion not available, or it can't be bought for the centurion?
OK, one last thing (for now).
How about a rescale of the ships?
A Galaxy is surely much bigger than a Tarus!
It is bigger than the tarsus. Tarsus = 12 units long, Galaxy = 20 units long.
and maybe attach landing gear in the "Landingpatch" view. (not realy necessary but sure a nice view)
That would actually be possible. Someone would have to model them and position them and all, but it could happen *someday*.

THanks for the feedback! Don't get your girl too mad :D
MamiyaOtaru said:
Don;t see how it's a problem. You can see into the ship because you are too close to it. We move the viewpoint farther away, no more clipping issues. You'll still be able to aim wherever you want.
now I understand you.
I believe I just said that? Look at what you are quoting :D "Having cockpit graphics for it should help too." Das heisst: "Es würde helfen, wenn wir passende Cockpitgrafiken hätten." Die haben wir aber leider nicht. Ich bin einfach noch nicht dazu gekommen.
jetzt hab ich's kapiert
I don't quite follow you here. Vielleicht auf Deutsch.
Sollte heißen, daß die Centurion beide Sichtweisen hat. Den VR-Modus und den mit Kanzel. Und in Lezterem wird im Radarfester nur die Centurion von außen gezeigt, nicht der Radar
It is bigger than the tarsus. Tarsus = 12 units long, Galaxy = 20 units long.
Nicht auf der Landeplattform. da is die Tarsus ca. 20-30% größer als die Galaxy. Irgendwo (find ich grand nich mehr) hab ich mal n Bild von ner untexturierten Galaxy neben ner Tarsus gesehn, das paßt viel eher wenn man bedenkt was die beiden durch die Gegend tragen können.

Thanks for the feedback!
My pleasure
MamiyaOtaru said:
Is the cargo expansion not available, or it can't be bought for the centurion?
It can't be bought. For me, it is avaialble, an I have enough credits, but it is red.

Please speak english; it's very hard for others to add to the discussion otherwise.
Cargo Expansions:
Right now, in 9b with the latest VS engine I can't get buy cargo expansions for anything except the Galaxy and the Tarsus. Orion and Centurion can not expand. It you want them to, you'll need to change the "Disqualifier" in the code that prevents Hunters or Fighters from getting them.

I suspect a code bit somewhere?
JKeefe said:
It can't be bought. For me, it is avaialble, an I have enough credits, but it is red.
Is it the small upgrade or the regular? Can you not buy either of them? We might drop the small upgrade, it was meant for smaller ships that aren't currently playable.
JKeefe said:
Please speak english; it's very hard for others to add to the discussion otherwise.
I specifically asked him to tell me something in german as we were having difficulties with english. I can provide translations if I feel it important, and I shall do so below.

TlRex said:
MamiyaOtaru said:
It is bigger than the tarsus. Tarsus = 12 units long, Galaxy = 20 units long.
It isn't bigger on the landing platform. There the tarsus is about 30 percent bigger than the galaxy. Somewhere I saw a picture of the untextured Galaxy and Tarsus next to each other, and the scales in that picture fit much better considering what they can both carry
If you look at the Tarsus and the Galaxy next to each other in space, the Galaxy is bigger. Ships aren't all shown at the correct size on the landing platform. If you land a Paradigm, it looks about the same size as the rest of the ships on the platform. We might fix this, but be sure that out in space, the sizes are correct.
TlRex said:
In the regular view (not the HUD) in the centurion's rear turret, the Radar doesn't show up in the radar window. Instead there is an external view of the Centurion
The Centurion's turret didn't have a radar at all in the original game. That window is for examining your target and choosing your guns. In the remake, you can use it for View mode, Examine mode, and Gun mode. In 009b it defaults to View mode (the external view of the Centurion). You can switch to Examine target mode by pressing e or t to switch targets. Also, if you apply the patch in this thread, it defaults to examine.

Having a radar is very useful, but unfortunately there is no place to put it. I put one in anyway, it is to the right of the VDU window. It isn't pretty but it can be used to orient yourself towards the target. See the screenshot I attached. Notice how the unit I have targetted (new constantinople), which I am looking at, is right in the middle of an imaginary circle. That is the Radar in the turret ;)

Note: the red circle isn't actually there. That's just to show where the Radar is


  • turretRadar.jpg
    95.6 KB · Views: 207
Wendy said:
Cargo Expansions:
Right now, in 9b with the latest VS engine I can't get buy cargo expansions for anything except the Galaxy and the Tarsus. Orion and Centurion can not expand. It you want them to, you'll need to change the "Disqualifier" in the code that prevents Hunters or Fighters from getting them.

I suspect a code bit somewhere?
It's pretty simple actually. All ships have a starting cargo volume, and a maximum cargo volume. If starting volume + expansion volume > maximum volume, you can't buy it. At least, that's how it should be working.. The units.csv in the turret patch gives the Orion more cargo space, so that shouldn't happen. I think I forgot to commit that change to SVN though, so if you are using straight 009b or have updated recently, it could still be a problem ;)

I'll have to look at the centurion too of course. Though I'm not sure it's realistic to have an addon that gives that ship much more cargo room. Room for an overnighter, and not much more ;)
Yes, I am using the 009b beta version.

I guess the manual hasn't kept up with the game, I didn't see the search function mentioned.

Overall, it is a great remake. keep up the good work.


hellcatv said:
Is this with priv_009? I thoguht we fixed the "replace tachyon cannon thing" since 008

if you have priv_009 you will have a search function
also to make the systems more readable try swapping axes and selecting orthogonal view
MamiyaOtaru said:
Is it the small upgrade or the regular? Can you not buy either of them?
Ummmmmm... there are 2 different upgrades? I'll pay more attention next time. I think there was only one upgrade available, but I'm not sure which type it was.

I specifically asked him to tell me something in german as we were having difficulties with english. I can provide translations if I feel it important, and I shall do so below.
Thank you very much.

Having a radar is very useful, but unfortunately there is no place to put it. I put one in anyway, it is to the right of the VDU window. It isn't pretty but it can be used to orient yourself towards the target. See the screenshot I attached. ;)
I don't have a radar in 009b pre-turret-patch. Should it be there already or is it part of the patch?
MamiyaOtaru said:
It's pretty simple actually. All ships have a starting cargo volume, and a maximum cargo volume. If starting volume + expansion volume > maximum volume, you can't buy it. At least, that's how it should be working.. The units.csv in the turret patch gives the Orion more cargo space, so that shouldn't happen. I think I forgot to commit that change to SVN though, so if you are using straight 009b or have updated recently, it could still be a problem ;)

I'll have to look at the centurion too of course. Though I'm not sure it's realistic to have an addon that gives that ship much more cargo room. Room for an overnighter, and not much more ;)

I have yet to quibble with what is in the Centurion. It's supposed to be sleek, fast and not much more. You can take minimal cargo and that is ALL.

The Orion is a Hunter. They are prey. They need some room for some stuff. More than a fighter. They are PREY, they need to be gunships. They are prey they need to be strong. The Orion is a target. See what I said in turrets again on some suggestions. Canonists will despise them, but the ship will be viable and it will fill a different niche. One of the true hunter.
JKeefe said:
't have a radar in 009b pre-turret-patch. Should it be there already or is it part of the patch?
It has always been there. Apply the patch anyway though ;) Open up privateer/cockpits/turretrear-cockpit.cpt/turretrear-cockpit.cpt and see if it containts <Radar file="" xcent=".5995" ycent="-.529" width=".23" height=".33"/>. that's what defines it. It should be exactly where I drew the red circle on that screenshot (the red circle isnt there in-game of course)

*behind the scenes*
I made the turret cockpit by copying the centurion cockpit and removing things. I never removed the radar, it is in almost the same exact place as in the centurion's front cockpit, just without a radar graphic underneath (I moved it down 1/20th of the screen height)
AI Tweak Suggestion

First off, I think the Remake is just insanely good! You guys (and gals, if applicable) have just done a bloody incredible job. I haven't played it much, but that's because I can't deal much with that fact that I can't kill enemy ships. They just shuck and jive too damn much when they're moderately battered that I can't take them out. And I've found very little difference, if any, in the other difficulty levels. So, I would recommend bumping up this AI to a higher difficulty, and then making the "medium" and lower AI levels much easier to deal with...hopefully making the "medium" difficulty closely resembling the original Privateer's AI.

Normally, I find the AI actually similar to how I remember in Privateer, it's just when the enemy starts getting damaged (about mild to moderate damage and beyond), once I get one of their shield levels down to one or none, they go into crazy shuck and jive mode, going in erratic circles, twisting and turning, and doing it all so fast that I just can't manage to hit except by random chance.

So yeah, that's my suggestion...but everything else is just absolutely fabulous. I think it's really incredible just how accurate everything is in relation to the original...you've all done a great great job. :-) Once it's "done" (which it might never be, because you might be forever tweaking it and adding to it :-P), I think it'll be far better than the original. :-) You all deserve a round of applause! Clap clap clap clap clap!
Countering the Crazy Shuck and Jive

Ouizardus said:
First off, I think the Remake is just insanely good! You guys (and gals, if applicable) have just done a bloody incredible job. I haven't played it much, but that's because I can't deal much with that fact that I can't kill enemy ships. They just shuck and jive too damn much when they're moderately battered that I can't take them out. And I've found very little difference, if any, in the other difficulty levels. So, I would recommend bumping up this AI to a higher difficulty, and then making the "medium" and lower AI levels much easier to deal with...hopefully making the "medium" difficulty closely resembling the original Privateer's AI.

Normally, I find the AI actually similar to how I remember in Privateer, it's just when the enemy starts getting damaged (about mild to moderate damage and beyond), once I get one of their shield levels down to one or none, they go into crazy shuck and jive mode, going in erratic circles, twisting and turning, and doing it all so fast that I just can't manage to hit except by random chance.

So yeah, that's my suggestion...but everything else is just absolutely fabulous. I think it's really incredible just how accurate everything is in relation to the original...you've all done a great great job. :-) Once it's "done" (which it might never be, because you might be forever tweaking it and adding to it :-P), I think it'll be far better than the original. :-) You all deserve a round of applause! Clap clap clap clap clap!

When you start upgrading your ship,
1: If you are going to put auto-tracking mounts on your guns, ONLY UPGRADE 1/2 of your gun mounts to auto-tracking! You have to be able to shoot STRAIGHT when they start spinning.

2: Make sure ALL your missile bays and Beam slots ARE auto-tracking. Proton Torps are GREAT when they start the death spins!

3: Get in CLOSE. I can't stress that enough. The closer you get, the easier it is to hit them.

4: Be sure you're using the HUD mode. You get a MUCH LARGER Fight view. You see a MUCH larger cone in HUD mode than you do in Cockpit mode. When you start the game press F-1 twice as soon as you launch. Lear to fly that way. You'll soon wonder how you ever flew anyother way.

5: Fly a Galaxy with top and bottom Fusion Gun Turrets. =)


6: When all else fails. . .PRAY. A LOT.
I still consider HUD mode cheating ;)
The juking is a bit excessive.. I'd do the same thing of course..

JKeefe: heh I've edited the post with the screenshot to make that less confusing
MamiyaOtaru said:
I still consider HUD mode cheating ;)
The juking is a bit excessive.. I'd do the same thing of course..

JKeefe: heh I've edited the post with the screenshot to make that less confusing

I'll take all the legal cheats I can, thangqueverymuch!
Ok I made Easy and Easier difficulty cut down on the juking a heck of a lot...
hopefully this makes it more fun to play...

course the default settings are as it is.
Let me echo what others have said about Privateer Remake, and the great work and how much appreciation I share with others for your efforts. This is one of the most stable betas ever made.

A few observations from a long time WC player and Privateer fanatic:

1) The enemy AI ship movements, even on Easy, are too hard to finish off, at least with the Tarsus. In the easiest mode could you make their erratic movements minimal to none? Easy mode should be, well easy. I don't want to need 20 minutes to take down two pirate talons with my Tarsus.

2) Does an Orion ever appear in the Troy system for purchase? In the Origin Privateer, the standard route for success was to buy an Orion as soon as possible so you could upgrade engines and shields to the point you were more than a sitting duck in the junker ship Gramp's gave you.

3) Why can't you put auto-tracking on all guns? Perhaps I don't understand the concept, but doesn't autotracking track your target and increase the chance of a hit?

4) The shields on the enemy AI ships should regenerate slower, especially on easier modes. I have frequently pounded a pirate ship to red, only to have it slip away for a brief time and go to full shield regeneration, then it takes another long period of dogfighting to get the shields back down. On easiest and easy settings, could you make the enemy shields regenerate slower, and the ships blow up once they've been hammered to red sooner.

5) Auto pilot should take you closer to your target. 15,000 is too far away with the speeds of the ships and size of the universe. Perhaps I remember incorrectly, but it seems we were closer in the original game when we came out of autopilot.

Note: All of the above are observations after playing in the Troy system only. I have been playing PC games since the original WC came out, costing a whopping $79 to buy, so maybe my dog-fighter skills are waning in my middle age. Even if you can make none of my 'wish-for' changes, it's still a great success and is only about 1000 times better than anything I could ever have done.

Thanks for making the game. It really is fun to be back in the Gemini sector with advanced graphics.