What does Privateer 1.0 need?

Thanks For The Tips + New "Bug"

Wendy said:
When you start upgrading your ship,
1: If you are going to put auto-tracking mounts on your guns, ONLY UPGRADE 1/2 of your gun mounts to auto-tracking! You have to be able to shoot STRAIGHT when they start spinning.

2: Make sure ALL your missile bays and Beam slots ARE auto-tracking. Proton Torps are GREAT when they start the death spins!

3: Get in CLOSE. I can't stress that enough. The closer you get, the easier it is to hit them.

4: Be sure you're using the HUD mode. You get a MUCH LARGER Fight view. You see a MUCH larger cone in HUD mode than you do in Cockpit mode. When you start the game press F-1 twice as soon as you launch. Lear to fly that way. You'll soon wonder how you ever flew anyother way.

5: Fly a Galaxy with top and bottom Fusion Gun Turrets. =)


6: When all else fails. . .PRAY. A LOT.

Thank you very much for the tips, I suppose maybe I hadn't tested it enough to see how it does in all situations. But about your suggestions:

1: I unfortunately don't understand this at all. Shooting straight is fine, but if they're spinning and going in circles, I'm going to miss anyway unless I play it for hours on end to learn their move patterns by heart, which I don't think I should have to do to enjoy a game. :-s

2: I haven't tried that, so I'll keep it in mind. I loved the Torpedoes in Privateer, but when they're dodging like crazy, I don't think I could hit them with the Torpedoes...oh, wait a minute. What's this auto-tracking you keep referring to? What does it do? I don't think that was in the original game, which is probably why I'm completely ignorant as to its use. I assume I would get it as the Weapons/Repair place?

3: Getting in close doesn't help me at all, because when they're shucking and jiving, I have to move around all the more, so I either completely miss them, or they fly over me, and I have to turn 180. Remember, I just played it a little but, so I'm trying to get by using the Tarsus, until I do fairly well with it, and can upgrade to a Centurion, my fav. :-) ...Although I always wished it had more cargo space. :-s I'm a merchant at hard, but I REALLY like the cool sleek ships that can pack massive shields, and A LOT o' heat! :-P

4: Yeah, I knew about that, and I know it makes life a lot easier...but I'm a fascist when it comes to realism sometimes, I realistically, I'd be sitting in the cockpit, trying to see out the slit of a window in the Tarsus. Call me crazy, call me old-fashioned, call me stupid...but that's how I like do things, and in the old school Privateer, I could get by just fine...but again, the remake is whatever you guys want it to be...but I think it would be nice if it was possible to at least get by using the cockpit mode, rather than it being completely useless. :-s

5: Again, I like the Centurion, but at the beginning, it's kind of hard to buy a Galaxy right of the start of the game, let alone loading it up with Fusion gun turrets! :-P Still, your opinion is noted, and thanks again.

So yeah...hopefully you can manage to fix the AI though, all the same. Now, someone had mentioned that he/she made adjustments to the AI...how I can make my copy of Privateer Remake reflect those changes too? Is it in a patch on the site, or did you replace the downloadable copy of the game on the site? Because I'd really like to have a go at the new AI.

Thanks again for the suggestions, and thank for listening to my suggestion. :-) Speaking of which...I've got another one for 'ya! :-P Okay, I was trying kill a pirate, when this militia showed up. Okay, I like some help, as long as I get the kill in the end. :-P But anyway, I was hunting the pirate, and as I was firing, the militia got right into my line of fire. Now that's okay, because that happens, but I remember in the old Privateer, even if you take a couple accidental shots at a militia, just a few friendly communiqués would patch up the misunderstanding...well not with this one!! She forced me to take her out, because I couldn't Autopilot to the next base, and she just kept being hostile!!! So anyway, I did manage to take her out (after wayyyyyy too much time). And now, a moment of silence for the fallen, stubborn militia lady. *bows his head in a moment of silence*

...So anyway, then I land at Helen in Troy...did some stuff, then launched again...and next thing I know, these two Galaxy-class merchant ships TEAR ME TO SHREDS!!!!! :-@ Now, again with comparison, in the old Privateer, killing ONE militia wouldn't invoke the wrath of ALL "good" ships, and that I'm sure of! And I liked it that way...but what's more the point is that taking a few shots at the militia (especially accidental ones) should have been able to be patched up by a few friendly communications, in my opinion. I don't think I should have had to kill her to get on with my day. So anyway, there's another one of my two cents...or is that another "two" of my two cents...or the other cent of my two cents...? Anyway, you know what I mean! :-s

So thanks again for listening (or reading) my ramblings, I hope something constructive will come of it.
hoovsbin said:
Let me echo what others have said about Privateer Remake, and the great work and how much appreciation I share with others for your efforts. This is one of the most stable betas ever made.
We love to hear this of course :)
1) The enemy AI ship movements, even on Easy, are too hard to finish off, at least with the Tarsus.
See the post above yours. Juking has been much reduced for easy mode. That was a post 009b change however. If I get a moment I'll put out a patch for it.
2) Does an Orion ever appear in the Troy system for purchase?
wow, someone who actually wants one :) Yes, they should be available.
3) Why can't you put auto-tracking on all guns? Perhaps I don't understand the concept, but doesn't autotracking track your target and increase the chance of a hit?
The idea is that when a ship starts juking, your autotrackers don't hit it, they can't anticipate the turns. With a couple guns not autotracking, you theoretically have a chance to aim where it will be turning to, but as someone noted above me, that would be very difficult. See the response to point 1 :)
4) The shields on the enemy AI ships should regenerate slower, especially on easier modes. I have frequently pounded a pirate ship to red, only to have it slip away for a brief time and go to full shield regeneration
They recharge as fast as the players, no more. They are generally thinner than the players shields though, so it takes less time for them to fill up. We may do something about this, currently all shields recharge at the same cm/sec rate. We might make higher levels recharge faster (or lower levels slower)
5) Auto pilot should take you closer to your target. 15,000 is too far away with the speeds of the ships and size of the universe. Perhaps I remember incorrectly, but it seems we were closer in the original game when we came out of autopilot.
15,000 is approximately the distance you were brought to in the original, which is why it is set to that in the remake.

Thanks for the comments, they are much appreciated.
Ouizardus said:
...and next thing I know, these two Galaxy-class merchant ships TEAR ME TO SHREDS!!!!! :-@ Now, again with comparison, in the old Privateer, killing ONE militia wouldn't invoke the wrath of ALL "good" ships, and that I'm sure of! And I liked it that way...but what's more the point is that taking a few shots at the militia (especially accidental ones) should have been able to be patched up by a few friendly communications, in my opinion. I don't think I should have had to kill her to get on with my day. So anyway, there's another one of my two cents...or is that another "two" of my two cents...or the other cent of my two cents...? Anyway, you know what I mean! :-s

So thanks again for listening (or reading) my ramblings, I hope something constructive will come of it.

You can wear out your fingers, while you run for the hills, but you will EVENTUALLY calm the irate and patch relations. It takes some work and some time. Put it on afterburners and run for the hills, the whole time pressing "3" as fast as you can. Unless you have my video card. Then you have to keep your rate of key pressing at or UNDER 2 clicks per second.

I haven't taken the time to figure it out, but it seemed to take a good five or 10 minutes of pressing the 3 key to change relations from a -100 to a +15. Positive numbers and they don't shoot you.

In the original, it was a bit easy. perhaps too easy, to change faction relations with the key presses. It takes a few seconds of key pressing to calm a -50 to neutral and that does MINIMAL changing to the overall faction. However badly you hit the other person determines how badly they "HATE" you. If you took out their shields and did some hull damaged, run for the hills, you ain't fixin' it with talk. You'll have to land, save and then load your saved game from the mission computer, ship dealer, ship repair, commodities exchange.

When the pilots start doing the death spirals, they spin in place for a second or two. When they do that you need to be able to shoot straight. Auto tracking follows the aim box, no the target. the aim box is as far away as the target's "perceived" or "relative" speed/velocity. if they're in a slide, it LOOKS like 800k in the direction their nose is pointed, but in reality they are going straight, in what ever direction they were headed when they initiated the slide. (Hit the "`" key (to the left of the "1" key on your main keyboard when you're boogieing and you'll see what I mean.

Good luck with the campaign!
originally posted by Wendy
When they do that you need to be able to shoot straight. Auto tracking follows the aim box, no the target

You know, it would be nice to be able to toggle auto tracking on/off. [shift]+t perhaps?

Hmm, now that I'm thinking about it. Really cool explosions, sounds (other than tink, tink for hitting armor and donk, donk for hitting shields) and a music track would add greatly to Privateer. It might be nice to make your ship shudder if your armor or hull get hit in case your dumb like me and forget to watch your shield levels.
zergnerd said:
You know, it would be nice to be able to toggle auto tracking on/off. [shift]+t perhaps?
I definitely agree. I haven't played with autotracking yet, but if I want my shots to go where I point them, I can tell it might annoy me from time to time. Besides, I don't want half of my shots missing most of the time, because half are autotracking and half aren't.

Hmm, now that I'm thinking about it. Really cool explosions, sounds (other than tink, tink for hitting armor and donk, donk for hitting shields) and a music track would add greatly to Privateer. It might be nice to make your ship shudder if your armor or hull get hit in case your dumb like me and forget to watch your shield levels.
The sounds and music are exactly as they were in the original. The only thing lacking is the fact that your HUD would flash red if you took armor hits in the original, and nothing happens now. That sometimes makes it very difficult to know instantly whether you are getting hit or your opponent is getting hit.
MamiyaOtaru said:
Is it the small upgrade or the regular? Can you not buy either of them?
Allright, I payed more attention this time. The item "Cargo Expansion" cannot be purchased with a Centurion. I don't know whether this is the small upgrade or the regular.
thanks. It's the regular. Both are in the list of units and modifications, but only the regular is in the list of buyable upgrades.

The fun part of this is that the cargo expansion in the original gave differing amounts of extra room, depending on the ship in which it was installed. No easy way to do that here (unless we have it add a certain percentage to the existing volume). That's why there is a small expansion.. not sure why it isn't buyable ATM :D Thanks for pointing it out.
I've found something else.
You should change the backgrounds back to original.
I just had to fight in Oxfort with that nebula. Horrible. I almost could'nt see the enemy (and those Deamons are horrible itselve).

Beside is it normal for the ships to have in a revlecting surface some systems (like in Oxford) while in the next system they don't?

Ok now some ideas.... maybe you can creat some additional upgrads to boost the topspeed of the ships.
Also allow to upgrad the shilds and reactors of ships like galaxy and centurion.
This would make is possible to build a ship like the Millenium Falcon. Faster, more maneuverebal and stronger than anything else.
And to make it not to easy those parts should only be available at a random pirat base. Maybe the bartender of those bases could give a hind "maybe look at base XXX, they maybe have something" (for a blackmarket price ;-) )
Or combind that with a Pirat-mission. Deliver that an earn an booster.
Remember Privateer 2? The Kravenlaser (manual declared it as "mother of all lasers") was only available after saving a guy from pirats.
Ok, I know it's not confirm with the original but .... Hey, just an idea
Hmm, now that I'm thinking about it. Really cool explosions, sounds (other than tink, tink for hitting armor and donk, donk for hitting shields) and a music track would add greatly to Privateer. It might be nice to make your ship shudder if your armor or hull get hit in case your dumb like me and forget to watch your shield levels.

I just tried the original un-modded VEGA-STRIKE, and I noticed that when you get shot at and hit your ship shakes a bit... very cool effect, maybe this could also happen in Privateer?
Vegastrike uses 3d cockpits. It is rather easy to make them move around a bit. It can't be done with 2d cockpits though. The graphics are exactly as large as the screen, they don't extend past it. In other words, it isn't possible to move them around at all without it looking ridiculous (if you moved it up, it would just be cut off on the bottom)

If someone extended the images a bit it might be possible, but then you'd have to worry about moving the instruments around too (which doesn't happen in plain Vegastrike, since they aren't really connected to the "cockpit" there).

I'm much more partial to a brief red flash :)
HI guys,

what about a force feedback joystick support, as it's supported by the 2.6 kernel
The guy who did the VS joystick code disappeared a couple years ago. My digital HAT hasn't worked since :( Someone is going to have to go in there sometime and figure stuff out. When that happens, force feedback would be pretty cool.
I've been playing this game for the last three days, and it is really a blast. I haven't been so immersed since the original Privateer/RF days. I've made loads of credits. purchased both an Orion and a Centurian, and have even held onto Gramp's ship for old time's sake. I have gone through early campaign missions; Sandoval and the Tayla missions (M1 through 5).

One big drawback is the faction hostilities that develop when you run a campaign mission. Examples include the Militia going from +100 to -55, and the Confed going from +100 to -75. I didn't even kill any militia ships, only got scanned with contraband. I killed Tayla's previous disgruntled mercenary and it counted as a killing a Confed ship! The in-mission kills should not change your faction standings this quickly. If you don't take time to go back and patch up relationships, you'll soon be enemies with Confed, militia, Kilrathi, and the pirates. These four groups consttute about 90% or more of the ships you encounter in the Gemini sector. Making peace after a campaign mission by pressing the '3' button in the Comm-Link gets a little artificial and boring, just to be able to fly the campaign and go out into the great unnown space where who knows what ancient super-race may have left an ubergun lying around.

Thanks for the game. It's great even with the above nuisance, but could be even better without them.
To get on better terms with the confeds FAST, kill lots of Kikrathi. It boosts the Militia as well, but you go up faster with THEM by killing pirates.

The reason the faction standings sweep so hard and fast is that if you're at +100 with the confeds and you get scanned with contraband, they nail it but not you. You lost some points but they didn't give chase. HellcatV was working on that.

William Riordian is to be a pirate in the new release. THAT faction will hate you at that point. It's far from perfect, but it's the best thing running so far. And it's sweet that you can keep the old ships. Just don't buy a second anything except Tarsus. And after you buy Tarsus 2, don't buy another. You'll lose the first one you had and any mods you did to it.

See the thread titled "Riordian's Faction" at this address:
The odds just got better.......

Rylex said:
... I think you are able to make this game equal to Privateer or even better... but that would still require lots, lots of work - and I don't think your team has the time.

Well, their odds just got better.


I am a 3DMax moddeler & graphic artist.

I did work on the computer game "Red Baron 3D" by Sierra Dynamix.

I am available for work immediately!

Even if it's only work in the "doing stuff" sense but not the "getting paid" sense? Where were you months ago lol.

Red Baron 3d was a blast. I loved being able to put so many planes in the air at once, it was fun to see what those late war massive furballs were like. And skinning my own plane was great :)

Anyway, we can always use a good modeller. Give us a write at privater at gmail dot com (privater with one e). If you feel like throwing something together, the most pressing (missing entirely) bit of artwork at the moment is a 3d version of the attached pic: a pilot in an ejection seat. Not very glamorous, but that's why no one has done one yet :) After a while in combat these things start to pile up, so it can't be overly complex (one normally doesn't get a good look at them anyway)


  • eject-hud.png
    1.5 KB · Views: 419
"You cannot defeat the Drakhi......!!"

Hmmmmm.......Not that good with humans, but I'll take a stab at it!

Any preference as to the Uniform?

Red Baron's game engine would only allow *VERY* low poly models. I had to make something look good, but use less than 600 polys!

.......A daunting task, but I pulled it off.


E-mail is on the way!
You certainly did. Those looked great, and like I said I could have a ton of them on screen at once. I don't really have a preference on the uniform. It's possible to have a different uniform for each faction, but something generic would be fine. Something with a helmet. If I had to pick a color right now I'd go for green to match the HUD image, but that's certainly not set in stone.


Second, I am now registered with the forum!


Third.......The various WC incarnations had different colored space flight suits. (However, this may be due to some being military, some being covert ops, and some being civilian).

Like you say, most were green, so we'll do that first.
