Privateer Remake 1.0 - Bugs

JKeefe said:
The request only brings up the docking clamps. You then have to press "d" to dock.

I'll be. I had landed a couple of times before without doing that.

BTW, any idea why the mouse jumps so?

I'm running an x8 AGP card (ATI 7000 with 64mb ram) on a 3.2ghz P4/2gig of ram system. That should let me run without all the options disabled and a mouse instead of joystick, shouldn't it?

I'd appreciate any ideas, thanks.
JazzMan said:
When I buy a new ship from the dealer, my new ship is comes with prepackaged cargo. Usually worth alot too. Ahh, 50 robot workers to sell. I'm guessing the dealer must have been really desperate to make a sale.

You're a privateer. A scruffy scumdog of the WC universe. Do you think you're buying a NEW ship?

You're getting used milspec that was once confed military or stock models that are probably second hand.

The guy who used to own that ship probably just didn't bother uploading everything... must have been in a hurry. [/retcon]

BenShami said:
Mission from Tayla to constantinople to deliver contraband she installs a 25 unit cargo space that is none detectable by scans: this cargo space is not being installed!

Not a glitch, just a feature that hasn't been implemented yet. Tayla says she does it but games does nothing.

Falixx said:
10) Should get a set amount deducted when landing at a base for docking fees

There is a 30 credit docking fee... I couldn't dock with only 17 credits. And i think you get charged for fuel refill.

My bug reports

1) I don't get radar at all. that green circle things doesn't show jack. Ever. makes it hard to track those darn Dralthi. Nor does my hud ever show targeting pictures or the damage on my target. (You can see why i only have ten kills and am still flying my combat-unworthy tarus even at 800K credits) Will provide screenshots if requested

2) 47000 credit rescue missions seem to be a mission set of their own, and their price is always just 47000, way more than normal pricing for everything else (Including other rescue missions... more realistic at 11-21k)

3) Scroll bars are invisible. When scrolling down descritions, there is a scroll bar, which i can move with my mouse (after i find it) but i can't See it. There's no scroll bar graphic. Will provide screenshots if requested.

4) After starting the storyline missions, Talya run back to troy makes troy soddunly Kirathi infected for no discernable reason untill i jump out and come back, after which it's back to just the occasional pirate.

1&3 may be due to soemthing wrong with my computer... help?
Dire Wolf said:
BTW, any idea why the mouse jumps so?

I'm running an x8 AGP card (ATI 7000 with 64mb ram) on a 3.2ghz P4/2gig of ram system. That should let me run without all the options disabled and a mouse instead of joystick, shouldn't it?
Works perfectly on my much slower system. Do note that "drag to steer" is hopelessly broken, so if that's what you're using...
fyodor said:
Works perfectly on my much slower system. Do note that "drag to steer" is hopelessly broken, so if that's what you're using...

No, means I have some other problem. What options are you running under, and does it make a difference what kind of mouse maybe?

I'm flirting with buying a joystick to just play the remake, but it sounds like that won't solve the problem.
Dire Wolf said:
No, means I have some other problem. What options are you running under, and does it make a difference what kind of mouse maybe?

I'm flirting with buying a joystick to just play the remake, but it sounds like that won't solve the problem.
Rechecking what an ATI Radeon 7000 graphics card is actually capable of, I think this might be the root of your problem. Are you sure your card is a Radeon 7000? 64MB seems like a lot of memory for such an old (and slow) card...

I'm using a GeForce256 DDR (that's a "GeForce 1" with DDR memory) and while your card has slightly more horsepower, it has only 60% of the GeForce's memory bandwidth. My GeForce is in a 700MHz Athlon, which clearly pales in comparison to your GigaHertz monster ;-), but your graphics card (if it is indeed a Radeon 7000) is woefully slow.

Try reducing the resolution (but you might want to keep the color depth at 32bit, since someone reported problems with the 16bit mode), reduce the "per-pixel lighting" options to either none or specular only, and try fiddling with the "Optimized" settings ("Display Lists" would be fastest, but if your card has problems with that, try "Vertex Arrays").
fyodor said:
Rechecking what an ATI Radeon 7000 graphics card is actually capable of, I think this might be the root of your problem. Are you sure your card is a Radeon 7000? 64MB seems like a lot of memory for such an old (and slow) card...

I'm using a GeForce256 DDR (that's a "GeForce 1" with DDR memory) and while your card has slightly more horsepower, it has only 60% of the GeForce's memory bandwidth. My GeForce is in a 700MHz Athlon, which clearly pales in comparison to your GigaHertz monster ;-), but your graphics card (if it is indeed a Radeon 7000) is woefully slow.

Try reducing the resolution (but you might want to keep the color depth at 32bit, since someone reported problems with the 16bit mode), reduce the "per-pixel lighting" options to either none or specular only, and try fiddling with the "Optimized" settings ("Display Lists" would be fastest, but if your card has problems with that, try "Vertex Arrays").

My video card is a late model generic made by ATI and rebadged by CompUSA, but it is x8 AGP. Maybe I should pick up a 7600? Would that make a difference?

I've now set as follows:

1024mg of memory
vertex arrays
sound effects only
sharp bases
retro looks (I understand this to be the lowest bandwidth)
16bit color window
mouse control
no joystick

I'll report back.

and thanks for the help. I really appreciate it.
It is working better. I'm amazed that the video card made such a difference.

Guess I need to read the rules for the mod to figure out how to do things I thought I knew how to do. Just landed at a planet without hitting D again.

Mission computer doesn't kick up when flying, couldn't find the map. but, I've two lasers and some missles on hardpoints (darn, wish I had a missle launcher I could sell!).
John Cordell said:
Feel free to create a list of bugs you discovered in the Privateer Remake Version 1.0.

No comments, no feature requests and no discussions please.

Dire Wolf said:
Cute, the net disaster page is fun, with the various ways it destroys a page.

Can you tell me what your post has to do with the topic of this thread?
Why does mouse sensitivity apparently depend on framerate?

I normally have a framerate of around 60fps, but with asteroid fields, this is often reduced to around 20fps. This also results in *significantly* lower mouse sensitivity (even though there is no lag as such, just a lower framerate).
Scratch that last bug-report. It seems that the bug was in my Logitech mouse drivers and not the game. Whenever "disable acceleration in games" is selected in the driver settings, mouse acceleration is disabled when rendering "heavy" scenes like those with asteroid fields. It's also disabled when browsing pages making heavy use of Flash. Nice going there, Logitech.

EDIT: BAH, it's even more complicated than that. Seems acceleration is turned properly off when the "disable acc. in games" setting is selected, but sometimes (e.g. when rendering asteroids or heavy flash) *sensitivity* drops. Since playing games with acc. truly sucks, this makes logitechs driver (latest) pretty useless on my system. Sigh. Anyway, nothing to do with P:R.
Cargo Delivery

The one oddity I have noted for cargo delivery missions when in a drayman is it sometimes pickes your ship as the place to deliver! The only way I have gotten around this is to land at the nearest base, take off, eject, self destruct, then respawn. The program will usually pick the base you just took of from, and if not, landing on the ship you ejected from recently counts as completing the mission. Is there anyway to make a flag that sets yourself when you area capital ship as not a valid pick for delivery upon the arrival?
I found something that'll make me rich, but I'll let you know anyway since I'm a honest person, and don't like taking advantage of impaired scripts:

Sometimes the mission is, Take a load of Gems to Helen. And I'm in Helen. That's easy money, man. And it happened more than once. In a row.

Note: Helen is just an example. I don't remember exactly where. But I don't think it matters, does it?
There's a mission bug (may indicate a problem with the whole mission system) that I came across in the "Mapping Gamma System" mission out of Rygannon. I jump through to Gamma and was jumped (well, not, I knew they were going to be there) by a mob of Kats. They tore me apart and I fled back through the jump point. This, of course, meant that I didn't do the mapping I was supposed to, but as I made my way back to Rygannon, the mission parts went green and the mission was completed.
I get a weird bug when I'm going on the second mission in the AWACS storyline, where my ship is boosted by 200+ speed during the mission and killing the AWACS turns Confed hostile to me, even when I thumped lots of Kats, Perry was still hostile too.
mischief said:
Bug I've experienced is when respawning I wind up with the 'default' Tarsus, i.e. all my customisations are gone.
Also appears to be 'saving on exit', i.e. if I die but quit instead of respawning, then loading my most recent game gives me the "You have died...." screen.

I have also lost all effects, can only hear music. Reboot, restart doesn't fix. Neither does change the settings to sound off and then back on again in the setup screen.

Running 1.0 (never installed a pre-release) on XP SP2.

I got similar broblem, but i just restarted game. Broblem is that it still thinks that im going around with that centurion (modified to maximum), and all missions are like 17 talons and the guy who must die.

BTW isn't that bit exessive, (17 enemies) i mean, in old game 4 ships was something of an maximum because processing power, but still 4 Kilrathis are broblem. (or can anybody survive say 6-8 kilrathis?)
Other thing that may be bug is that in old game centurion used to be able to run from most of enemies (talon, militia and confeds, maybe even Kilrathis), but now they stay like glued in my a$$ no mater what i do.
I know its not 4 discussion but 4 raw buglisting but i just can't help myself.... ;)

Sami said:
(or can anybody survive say 6-8 kilrathis?)

Got a fight with 30+ Dralthies (2 missions at same jumppoint) and got it on the third run (just had to land between the kills 4 repairing)

flough a demon hunter with 4 tachyon + guncooler + 4 autotrackers (hehe)