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System Map - CM-N1054.png
Sector Gemini Sector
Quadrant Humboldt Quadrant
Jump Links Pyrenees
Random Mission Opponents 2/3 Pirate, 1/3 Retro

CM-N1054 is a Terran Confederation star system in the Humboldt Quadrant of the Gemini Sector. It is home to a jump point leading to the Pyrenees system.

In 2678, the system was included on the Terran Confederation Navy/Confederation Exploratory Services Akwende Projection.

Nav Points

Point X Y Z Description
Nav 1 5000 0 0 Asteroid Field
Jump Point - Pyrenees


Stellar Objects

Random Encounters

% # Faction Ships Intelligence
Nav 1
30% 4 Pirate Talon fanatical pros
25% 3 Militia Gladius confident novices
25% 2 Bounty Hunter Demon fanatical pros
2 Confederation Stiletto confident aces
20% 4 Retro Talon fanatical novices

Privateer Playtester's Guide
