Lisacc (star system)

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System Map - Lisacc.png
Sector Gemini Sector
Quadrant Clarke Quadrant
Stations Lisacc
Jump Links Blockade Point Tango, N'Der Pak, T'K'Tarak
Random Mission Opponents 2/3 Kilrathi, 1/3 Retro

Lisacc is a Terran Confederation star system in the Clarke Quadrant of the Gemini Sector. It is home to Lisacc and jump points leading to the Blockade Point Tango, N'Der Pak and T'K'Tarak systems.

In 2678, the system was included on the Terran Confederation Navy/Confederation Exploratory Services Akwende Projection.

Nav Points

Point X Y Z Description
Nav 1 -30000 -10000 -20000 Asteroid Field
Lisacc Mining Base
Nav 2 40000 20000 20000 Asteroid Field
Jump Point - Blockade Point Tango
Hidden 5000 5000 30


Stellar Objects

Random Encounters

% # Faction Ships Intelligence
Nav 1
30% 1 Bounty Hunter Orion fanatical novice
2 Militia Talon confident pros
30% 1 Merchant Drayman timid novice
3 Militia Talon confident aces
30% 1 Merchant Galaxy confident pro
2 Confederation Stiletto confident aces
10% 3 Retro Talon fanatical novices
1 Merchant Galaxy timid ace
Nav 2
25% 4 Kilrathi Gothri fanatical aces
25% 3 Kilrathi Gothri confident aces
1 Merchant Galaxy confident pro
25% 2 Kilrathi Gothri fanatical aces
2 Confederation Stiletto confident aces
25% 2 Kilrathi Dralthi fanatical novices
Hidden 50% 3 Merchant Galaxy timid aces
50% 4 Kilrathi Gothri confident pros

Privateer Playtester's Guide
