WC Saga Demo? Not Quite Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Tolwyn of WC Saga fame brought to our attention their April Fools joke from this year. We tend not to report on these jokes unless they're our own or we've been fooled ourselves, but this one is different. At the time, the Saga team released what they claimed to be the demo for the mod. It was of course not the demo, but it was something of an early preview for the mod.

The "demo" contains the first mission you fly off the Lexington in WC4, recreated in the Freespace engine. The second mission is an original design, and contains some very strange dialogue between some Kilrathi pilots. Sadly we ran out of time to play so there may well be more surprises in store, but we'll leave those for you to find. You can download the WC Saga April Fools joke demo (104MB!) here. The download is so big because it contains the original Freespace 2 demo which is required to run the mod, and also a WC Saga trailer. Don't forget to read the readme.txt file contained within for installation instructions.

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