New Confederation Fan Mod Features and WC1 Slowdown Patch in the Works Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

AllTinker was recently asked how the Confederation project to modify and enhance the original Wing Commander was coming along. As we know, he has a lot of irons in the fire and is working on incredible WC series reverse engineering and exploration on many fronts. Despite these competing demands, he's very close to an updated release for WC1. Here's some more tantalizing information:
I've been working away on a bunch of cool stuff - I'm close to being finished with my first pass at the 3D cockpits, and some further experimentation with 3D ships (from a voxel workflow, but trying to produce non-blocky models). I'm hoping my next update will show some or all of that in actual gameplay, with the first release not far behind.

I've been working on some non-Confederation (and non-Originator) stuff too... Which brings me to: So for years before Confederation, and in the meantime since, I've made numerous attempts at patching the original DOS Wing Commander - first and foremost to fix the speed limiting. Well, recently I made a huge breakthrough as my understanding of the EXE hit a critical mass. So hopefully within the next couple of weeks, I'm going to be releasing a pretty huge fan patch which fixes the lack of speed limiting - and a bunch of other things besides. :)

It's been a distraction from Confederation, but it hasn't made me any less excited to continue it - there's obviously only so much that can be done with the DOS version (or Kilrathi Saga for that matter), but I'm looking forward to finally having a fix out there that I've wanted for 30-something years. :D

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