Choir Recording for WC Album Complete! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Origin composer George Oldziey reports that the choral recording that he conducted last week was a big success! Backers of the project's crowdfunding campaign can log in here to download and listen to a brief sample. Mr. Oldziey recently traveled to Salt Lake for an exciting session with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. With this complete, all of the live components necessary for his new album of Wing Commander music are complete! The next milestone will be the elaborate sound engineering/processing, which will begin in January with expert Bruce Botnick.

Greetings all. I just got back from Salt Lake City after a wonderfully successful day of recording the choir parts to the Wing Commander Volume 2 project. The singers were great, the engineer was spot on, and the conductor and fellow composer/orchestrator Philip Klein kept everything moving with artistry and finesse. Here are a few shots from the day's work as well as a link to hear a rough mix with the choir of a mission piece from Wing Commander 3 (same one I posted earlier with just orchestra). Bear in mind what you hear is just a mix of the reference track I gave the choir to hear and a rough mix of their performance. Once Bruce Botnick adds his ears and genius to the mix in early January I'm sure it will be quite stunning!

Thank you all again for helping make my dreams come true once more!

Musically yours,


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