Excalibur 3D Print Time Lapse is Really Cool Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Knight26-77 has posted a very cool video of his 3D printer manufacturing a slick Excalibur fighter. We've seen a lot of gorgeous plastic craft in recent years, but I don't think we've seen a perspective quite like this before. Definitely check it out!
Timelapse 3D print of the Excalibur Fighter from Wing Commander 3. Original design by Origin Systems. Redesign by Klavs and 3D printable model by Chronocidal Guy
Here's a fleet shot of some of his other craft all together:
I did a rough rip and transfer to stl off of his old model release and printed it on my old printer along with several other models. The scales might be slightly off in some cases. All should be 1:72.

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