And the Winner Is... Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The Wing Commander Fan Project of the year is... Unknown Enemy! It was neck and neck with Invasion until the very end, but the fans have decided that the oldst WC fan project is also the best! The winner gets the winner award, and the runners up (in order of popularity) recieve the runner-up image. You are not required to post them, it's just a status thing...


Runner's Up

FreeSpace Still Out There Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

FreeSpace Watch posted this update on the WC/FS TC. If you can help, contact Darkmage.
For all you people wondering what's happening to the Wing Commander mod, well here's the latest. I'm releasing a new ship pack! it will include ALL Wing Commander 3 and 4 fighters. For all those wondering about capships, not a single capship is going to be done unless I get some major help. I can't get any of the models to load in freespace. And I still need to add turrets to them.

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