Review Red Planet Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Only three or four people have reviewed Red Planet at Amazon! Please, people, take the few minutes it takes to write a review -- this will get us a new Wing Commander story! It's just as easy as signing the WCESCRP or such and it will actually get us something (namely, the original outline to Pilgrim Truth)! Go here and review the book now!

Chris Roberts Speaks Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

A few news sites have actually been able to contact Chris Roberts to talk about the situation at Digital Anvil. This article at IGN interviews Roberts and Microsoft VP of Games Ed Fries. This one at Gamespot deals only with Chris. The important news? Erin Roberts is still with DA, and Microsoft has indeed decided not to publish Loose Cannon.

Your Right to Vote Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Please note that tomorrow is your last chance to submit nominations for the Fan Site of the Year Award! If you run or know of a Wing Commander site that deserves this recognition, submit the URL today! Voting will begin on Friday.

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