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The Chat Zone is back -- and better than ever! We've replaced our old UBB with a swanky new vBoard... and it's cooler than a squid in heat! Faster, prettier and more customizable, this new board is a thing of beauty -- lets put our hands together for Hades, Kris, Hadrian and Death who made the switch so painless!

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Apparently people have been having trouble with the old files, so the Fleet Action team has posted a new archive of their mod. This is not a new release -- it's a new file for people unable to open the old one.

A Picture Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

And from the UO Faire, here's a picture of LOAF and Origin's LadyMOI. Ah, who am I kidding, I just want to get my picture on all those crazy Carly fan-sites.

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