E-Mail Alert!
If you've tried to contact news@wcnews.com, you may have gotten an error message -- fear not, your e-mail went through. We're hoping to have the problem cleared up soon, but we are recieving your mail, so don't worry!
If you've tried to contact news@wcnews.com, you may have gotten an error message -- fear not, your e-mail went through. We're hoping to have the problem cleared up soon, but we are recieving your mail, so don't worry!
The Wing Commander Marine Corps now has a mailing list, which you can join by contacting wcmarinecorps@coollist.com. They've made some changes to their staff, so check their site to see if you're help would be... of help.
The mod team has been reduced from two dedicated members and supporting members to one dedicated team member with supporting members. The main technical member, Scheherazade, has become interested in several Q3A projects. He has basically decided to move on to them, as he was making little progress on the port to HW:C. Instead of dropping the mod, Voidsurfer (me) has officially taken over the leadership of the mod, with permission from Scheherazade. This won't matter much to some sites, since they have always thought that I was the leader anyway, despite my repeated protests ^_^
Repeat, only one person is seriously dedicating a lot of time to the mod now!
I have to learn to model and texture starting from NO previous experience, and I am very busy with college. The project is still on my "to do" list, but I may not be able to produce high quality work for some time. For now, I am interested in trying to do this myself, both as a learning experience and for the personal control over the mod's development. It is possible that I will ask for help later, but I am *NOT* asking for help at this time. I know that various WC models are available, but I would prefer to learn how to make my own before using them.
After some careful consideration, I have decided that the port to HW:C will be put on hold indefinitely; future releases will still be for HW. While HW:C has a better interface and more gimmicks for modders, it has less ships and more weird special abilities that don't exactly apply to the WC universe. HW:C is good for modding, but not for the FA mod as it is currently planned. I am very inexperienced with serious modding work; HW would be easier for me to work with as all the tools and editing info are clearly available. Additionally, I am aiming for fleet diversity, and for that I need to have the larger fleets in HW (HW has ~27 ships per side, as opposed to HW:C's ~18 - ~18; HW:C actually ~30 for the beast side, but to my current knowledge some need to be "infected" to be available unless research is turned off).
As we have most of the strike craft done, future development will focus more on capital ships. I'll get the remaining strike craft in at some point, and will probably do one of them in the process of learning how to mod.
Two issues: the first is that I am seriously considering the replacement of the Perry Naval base (confed mothership) and the Concordia (confed carrier) with the Concordia (mothership) and the Tiger's Claw (carrier). It just doesn't make much sense to have a space station moving around deep space in fleet combat, much less hyperspacing. However, the Concordia and WC3 Dreadnought (kilralthi mothership) are not capship builders. I'll probably have to bend the rules a little by making oversized "super" versions of these ships to accommodate capship construction. Feel free to drop by the forums on our site and comment.
The second issue is that I am going to heavily favor WC1 and WC2 ships in the future releases. I dislike many of the capship designs from WC3 and WC4 (the mod doesn't feature WCP).
I am going to post a zip version of the current release up in the next day or so, as I have been receiving some messages from people that have had problems with the self-extracting archive.
Alexander Grober, the man behind the Wing Commander Final Conflict 3D movie, asks that we now use finalconflict@gmx.de for matters relating to his project. Will-do!
Who says LOAF doesn't love you? Well, that Biker of Doom guy... but other than him, nobody! As evidence, here's the Super Wing Commander "Secret Missions 1.5" script! It was made by playing through the 'lost' addon and copying down everything! Boy are my fingers tired... SM1.5 was a series of missions included in Super Wing Commander which take place between Secret Missions 1 and 2. They follow the Tiger's Claw as it launches an attack on the shipyards that built the Sivar dreadnought.
... to the Ultima Online Worlds Faire. I'll post anything interesting later tonight -- although Stratics is reporting live -- maybe I'll be in a picture or something (UT jacket, CIC shirt, Pilgrim Cross).
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