Jumping Someone Elses Gate Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Planet Jump Gate (they have us covered) is running a survey... "If you could, would you change the Jumpgate flight model?". One of the options is 'WC-style". If you're interested in this game (which is, by all accounts, interesting) go rock the vote (the poll is on the right column of the page and down a little). (Credit goes to TyeDyeBoy for this one).

Name Those Kils! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Fun challenge, for those whose lives lack all meaning without the trivia game: go read the list of Kilrathi names in this thread and see how many more you can find. When we have 'em all, we'll put up a list right here at the CIC, and you'll all get credit. And a florin. A silver florin.

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