Flat Universe Recruiting Pilots For Multiplayer Test Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

There's great news for fans who are eagerly awaiting the next big upgrade to Wing Commander Flat Universe. The Maslas Brothers are now accepting requests to join their closed alpha multiplayer test! If you have the time to meet for a handful of scheduled matches and are itching to dogfight with fellow Wingnuts, hit up the email in the enclosed flyers. Have fun, pilots!

Happy new year to every single Wingnut out there!

Today, while I was driving my way to work I got myself stuck into a traffic jam. It was a sunny day and I had my window open: the perfect timing that a teenager needed to throw a leaflet inside your car and disappear in an instant. It was striking that this time, instead of a teenager, a middle aged man dressed in his blue navy uniform knocked my window. He smiled and gave me the first piece of paper above.

Fifteen minutes later and half a kilometer away from my previous position I was shocked to see that a huge feline bipedal creature, without much talking threw to me another leaflet that it looked like the second one above. After that shock I've learned my lesson and closed the window for the rest of my trip.

The closed multiplayer alpha test of FlatUniverse is going to be a reality. If anyone of you guys is interested in participating please feel free to contact with us. To accept your application we are going to need from you a user name, a valid email address, your time zone and an estimation of the days and the time that you will be available to play FlatUniverse.

I must warn you that the positions will be limited to the needs of the alpha testing, therefore forgive us if anyone of you won't be accepted for the time being. We will reply to your applications with more detailed information regarding the tests and a complete time schedule.

See you inside the cockpit.:)

the MaslasBros

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