Project Aries Playable Alpha Test Released Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Avid Wingnut YouTuber centaurianmudpig has branched out into game development with his new prototype, Project Aries 3D 64. It's a Wing Commander-inspired space shooter with a charming cartoonish visual style. He's dabbled in prep work for a story campaign, but decided to right-size his project to a more achievable gameplay oriented scope. The goal is to balance fun and challenging missions that can be randomly generated. Fans can download the 64-bit pre-alpha test release now, and feedback about how the game handles is very valuable! Let the mudpig know what you think at the CIC Forums.


A new space superiority fighter has been certified for test flight readiness. Only the bravest and most diligent fighter pilots have applied for this most prestigious opportunity to test the most state of the art technology mankind has at his disposal. Project Aries 3D 64 is under development. This is Pre-Alpha software. It is not complete. It is not fun.

Testing is required to:
1) Make it complete
2) Make it fun.

Controls: Keyboard & Mouse, Joystick and Controller support is available.

What’s required of the test pilot?
1) Identify any bugs with current version
2) Explain what you liked and didn’t like
3) Suggest improvement to the current version
4) Report your findings below. Be detailed and informative. Check your firearms and attitude at the door.

How to play: NOTE: It is recommended you view the key controls under options before playing.
1) Select Simulator from the main menu.
2) Choose your difficulty.
3) Click launch.
4) Engage and destroy enemy targets.

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