Spice Up Your ICQ Sounds Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Twister sent us two sound themes for ICQ. These will replace the standard sounds you hear when there's an incoming message, a file transfer request, etc. with bits of Wing Commander sounds. There is a WC Secret Ops one, and another one consisting mainly of samples from the Privateer 2 radio ad. Both are approximately 1MB in size. Installation instructions:

Download the file(s) to your ICQ/Sounds directory
Click the big ICQ button
Choose Preferences and Security
Choose Preferences
Go to 'Events' and click the 'Configure' button
Click 'Import' and select the theme of your choice.

John Rhys-Davies to Portray Short, Stocky Dwarf Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Pierre 'PopsiclePete' Deshaies let us know that John Rhys-Davies (James 'Paladin' Taggart in Wing Commander III and IV) will be playing the part of 'Gimli' in an upcoming movie trilogy based on Tolkien's Lord of the Rings novels. Here's a picture of that Gimli character, from TheOneRing.net: They do look alike a bit. The aforementioned website has a page with personal information on John Rhys-Davies here, and one on the Gimli character here. (Spoilers!)

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