GOG Discounted For Cosmonauts Everywhere Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Every day is a holiday somewhere, and GOG picked Cosmonautics Day to celebrate with a big Wing Commander sale! The series, minus the Privateers, is a solid 75% off for the next three days. Both Privs are usually included in WC deals, so their omission is somewhat unusual. But fans can instead pick up FTL, Nexus or Lifeless Planet on sale this time around. Check out the deal page here to complete your collection - or gift it to a friend!

On days like these, when our earthly problems seem to hold almost zero gravity within the vastness of space, one is more prone to pondering the really important questions. Like: Do astronauts pass the time by playing space-themed games? How do aliens depict humans in their videogames? Did Sandra Bullock say something to anger all that space-debris that was chasing her around? Humanity's frequent space-walks have not managed to answer any of them yet but don't let that stop you from getting one of these (inter)stellar classics, and celebrating Cosmonautics Day in the most appropriate way known to man.

The Wing Commander series has grown into a gaming phenomenon so huge, that it can be visible from orbit. Through a fine-tuned blend of FMV cinematics, intense space combat, and dramatic storytelling, they reshaped the simulation genre and introduced countless players to the allure of spacefaring adventuring.

Thanks to centaurianmudpig for the tip!

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