Pilot Patch Adds Prophecy Characters To Secret Ops! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Lt. Overload is back with a cool new patch for Wing Commander Secret Ops. It takes the limited squadron from the TCS Cerberus and boosts it by adding back in every pilot from Prophecy. While the small covert ops team makes sense within the context of the WCSO story, this new option is a lot more fun! It even includes unique variants of the same pilot where they have different dialogue in the two games, and you can select both to fly on your wing simultaneously. Download the patch here (56 meg zip) and unzip it in your Secret Ops folder. Further instructions are included in the readme. It's fantastic to see fans still creating clever mods and patches like this after more than seventeen years!
Hi all! Been a little more than two years since I had an update. The CIC has been kind enough to host my files so I went about updating all the links and adding a few extra things to the site. I also released a new big project I had been working on:

Many pilots were cut from Secret Ops, and I created something that re-adds them alongside the characters in the game. This new pack adds back every single pilot from Prophecy such as many Midway redshirts, some aliens, and the Kilrathi. One thing I also added was WCP versions of Cerberus' pilots, without overwriting their original files. That means you can have old Maestro and new Maestro side by side at the same time, for example.

This is a great modders' resource, because Secret Ops had a very limited range of voices you could use, and this pack blows that wide open. Want to bring back Dallas? Now you can. Want to put Hawk side by side with some cats? Now you can. Want to pretend Blair is still around? Now you can.

Most of the alien comms will have alternate "death cries" when they die. It is now randomized between 2-3 death comms instead of just one. Same goes for several generic Kilrathi pilots (not the aces). Thanks to Quarto for helping me figure that one out. Also included is a list of the redshirts, which ones are duplicates, and which are completely unique. So you don't accidentally make a wing of the same voice actor. Obviously, do not use the people labelled "DoNotUse". They do not work. They were not working in Prophecy, so they also do not work here.

If you guys have any issues with the patch, let me know. Currently they don't really do anything to a vanilla version of the game, but I might release some missions to show the new possibilities. :)

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