They Can't Write About it Without Mentioning WC Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Wargamer has put up their preview of Starlancer, and not surprisingly it mentions Wing Commander. A lot. It's amazing how every single Starlancer article ends up talking more about WC than the actual game. Here's a snippet:
Wing Commander included hundreds of wonderful little touches that made the hours slip away like minutes, and college freshman term papers seem like frivolous little distractions in my quest to free humanity from enslavement by the Kilrathi. Other than Wing Commander, few games of this genre have evoked in me such a sense of "Wow, what a game!"
You can find the article here. Thanks to - you guessed it - ATFW.

CIS Bulletin Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

CIS agents on Karatikus are extremely keen to contact the driver of a Geo-class tranporter, ship ident Alpha-9974536X/M. If you see this ship, distinguished by its 'Davy's Donut Deliveries' markings, please contact agents Gumble and Wiggum at outpost Beta Three on Karatikus. Davy, if you're on-line, bloody well hurry up, will you, we're starving.

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